Arne Skauge
Heriot-Watt University
Update on WAG modelling
We have succeeded in handling compositional WAG in combination with WAG hysteresis simulations. Recently, we have made steps to develop guidelines and consequences of transitions from immiscible to miscible WAG at different wetting situations.
A “process-based” model is applied to explore how multiphase fluid flow behavior in non-uniform wettability systems when gas and oil move toward miscibility. To demonstrate how the complexities of the three-phase physics interact with the system wettability, a capillary bundle (CB) model and a network model were applied. Even in the simple model (CB), results demonstrate a high level of unpredictable complexity which covers key parameters of the physics of 3-phase flow within porous media. Well-connected network and considering a relaxed rule on defending and displacing phases, gives quite similar results to that of the CB model. However, when applying trapping and less connected network these parameters have significant impact.
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