Full Name
Apostolos Kantzas
Job Title
Energi Simulation Research Chair
University of Calgary
Speaker Bio
Industrial Research Chair in Modelling Fundamentals of Unconventional Resources.

The Chair program focuses on understanding the physics of multiphase flow in porous media in two main areas. The first area is heavy oil and bitumen enhanced oil recovery (HOBEOR), which includes conventional heavy oil, bitumen in oil sands, and bitumen in carbonates. The second area deals with tight oil and gas enhanced recovery (TEOR). Both HOBEOR and TEOR are sponsored by industry and government grants. This program will improve field exploration, development, recovery, and production methods and strategies, as well as provide information, technology, and fundamental concepts essential for the enhancement of unconventional resources recovery. It integrates research and innovation into the industry by providing experienced graduates who can solve practical problems.

Dr. Kantzas is also the co-director of the Geothermal Energy Laboratory (GEL). GEL's mission is Geothermal Everywhere. The program focuses on geothermal energy to power and direct heating, as well as energy harvesting processes.

Dr. Kantzas received a Dipl. Eng. in chemical engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1982. He continued his education with a MASc and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada in 1985 and 1988, respectively.

Dr. Kantzas is a professional engineer with APEGA and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the Petroleum Society of CIM, CSChE, AIChE, and SCA. He has authored or co-authored over 350 technical papers and over 500 technical reports.

Cross appointments and affiliations:

Director, Tomographic Imaging and Porous Media Laboratory (TIPM Lab) – Now PERM Inc.
PI (Principal Investigator), Industrial Research Chair in Fundamentals of Unconventional Resources (FUR IRC)