Hadi Hajibeygi
Delft University of Technology
CO2 storage in naturally fractured reservoirs: a multiscale simulation strategy
The IEA and IPCC reports indicate the crucial role of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in geological formations to combat climate change. Until now, however, only 30 Mt of CO2 is stored in geological formations, while the expected scale to reach by 2050 is 3-10 Gt per year. Scaling up CCS in geological formations depends highly on designing an appropriate simulation strategy to identify the CO2 plume trapping during injection, migration and post-migration in highly heterogeneous formations. These formations can be also fractured, adding significantly the complexities of the simulation workflow. We report our multiscale simulation strategy devised to allow for reliable quantification of the CO2 storage volumes in highly fractured and heterogeneous geological formations. To this end, we report on the successful commercial-grade development of our pEDFM package which enables any advanced simulator to benefit from explicit discrete fracture modeling capacity.
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