Luncheon Keynote: ‘Getting to New Zero: An Alberta Case Study’
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Join us for Luncheon Keynote by Bryan Helfenbaum from Alberta Innovates at 12:00pm (MST).
Bryan’s speech will be covering ‘Getting to New Zero: An Alberta Case Study’, that takes a hard look at the sometimes contradictory current energy paradigm, the lofty ambitions of Net Zero, the myths and realities of the portfolio of potential innovation solutions, and a review of modeling results on the pathways to actually achieve a Net Zero energy system by 2050.
Location Name
Wildrose Salon A & B
Full Address
The Rimrock Resort Hotel
300 Mountain Ave
Banff AB T1L 1J2
300 Mountain Ave
Banff AB T1L 1J2
Session Type