Eric Mackay
Heriot-Watt University
Impacts of CO2 storage in tilted aquifers
The Energi Simulation Chair in CCUS and Reactive Flow Simulation tackles issues related to subsurface fluid storage and recovery where geochemical (and sometimes biological) reactions may be important. This includes scale inhibitor interactions with clastic and carbonate formations, scale management during geothermal brine production, and novel chemical methods for permanent plugging and abandoning otherwise potentially leaky wells. Also considered is facilitating permanent CO2 storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers, including management of halite deposition risk, and intermittent hydrogen storage in subsurface formations with bio-geochemical reactions.
This presentation focusses on CO2 storage in monoclinal aquifers, the impact of the balance of viscous and gravity forces on the evolving injection profile along the well, the impact of pressure sources and sinks and background brine flux on plume migration, and synergistic and disadvantageous pressure interferences between target storage formations and underlying and overlying formations through unconformities and low permeability partial barriers, and abandoned wells and faults, including consequences for groundwater resources.
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